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'''[[September, 2006]]'''
== August 2006 ==
'''August 1.''' Piksel06 festival, Bergen
Piksel06 is an annual event for artists and developers working with free and open source audiovisual software. Part workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway, by the Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free and open source software. This years event continues the exploration of audiovisual code and it's myriad of expressions, but also brings in open hardware as a new focus area.
Piksel06 festival October 12-15th 2006, exhibition October 13-27
For more information visit: http://www.piksel.no/piksel06
'''August 15.''' Call for Artists
Project Creo: '''Digital Divide/Digital Provide''' November 10 – December 31, 2006
Call for Entries Deadline to submit proposals: August 15, 2006 Notification date: September 15, 2006
We’re looking for artists whose works explore ideas of how the digital revolution has improved and divided our society, utilizing the same technology they are critiquing. The Center is primarily seeking proposals that create interactive environments that will engage visitors to the space. All work is insured while on exhibition.
Proposal must contain the following information: • Current artist resume, including address, phone number and email • Brief artist statement • Proposed work or installation for Digital Divide/Digital Provide, including drawing of the proposed piece, approximate size, materials utilized, hardware needed, amount of time needed for installation, etc. • Slides, video, cd or photographs of your current work • Self addressed, stamped envelope • Support materials, including past press (optional)
Please contact Melissa Christiano, Project Creo Director with questions regarding submission at (727) 822-7872 or email Melissa@theartscenter.org
Send all proposals to: The Arts Center Attn: Melissa Christiano 719 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Astas Romas is organising the III International Festival of Electronic Art 404, to be held at Plaza Cívica and Centro Cultural Parque de España, in Rosario, Argentina from November 30 -- December 3, 2006. The event is dedicated to Mark Lawton.
"Astas Romas" is making a world-wide call to artists and theorists to participate in this third "Festival 404" in order to estimulate and divulge new productions around electronic art. Authors may participate in the following areas: Net-art, Still image, Animation, Video, Music, Audio-visual set, Theory, Performance, Installation. The program includes screening of videos and animations, conferences, performances and concerts.
Participation in this festival is free. There are no age or nationality limits.
The Festival's deadline to present works is on August 15th 2006. The date will be taken from the post office cancelling stamp. To submit your work, please follow the instructions published on www.404festival.com
To submit your work you may have to:
1) Read the Participation Terms published at www.404festival.com
2) Complete and print the Inscription Form.
3) Send and envelope including the things mentioned in the Form.
4) Send the envelope to the following address:
Universidad Nacional de Rosario / Centro de Estudios Canadienses
Maipú 1065, Of. 208
(2000) Rosario
Santa Fe
'''August 28.''' Digital Fringe http://www.digitalfringe.com.au/
Digital Fringe is seeking submissions of digital visual material to be a part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival : September 27 to Oct. 15.
Anyone is eligible to enter and entry is free. You can submit as many works for screening as you wish. Works can include digital formats including video, animations and still image swquesnces wither graphic or photographic - to be broadcast to the Digital Fringe screens and around the world on the Internet.
We are calling for :
Digital art works to display on all screens. These can be stills, animations, video art, short film, abstract pieces, whatever! They will be played without sound. This material will make up part of the general stream which wil play on all screens throughout the festival.
'''August 30.''' Call for Works : Image Festival 2007
Final deadline for INSTALLATION, NEW MEDIA and LIVE IMAGES submissions
for more information : http://www.victorymedianetwork.com/page.php?a=showarticle&id=50&page_id=73
'''[[August, 2006]]'''
'''[[August, 2006]]'''

Revision as of 07:18, 11 September 2006

March 2007

March 1. Call for Proposals


OBORO welcomes original projects that promote critical thinking and artistic practices. We accept proposals from artists, artist collectives, and independent curators who are looking to present exhibits, events and conferences as well as to produce publications or do a residency. OBORO also hosts media art related residencies throught its New Media Lab (for more information please visit: http://www.oboro.net/lab/activities.html).

The programming committee looks at artistic vision, Montréal context, diversity and budget when considering a proposal. Before submitting your portfolio please look at our website carefully. It provides a good overview of past artistic content. In terms of work requiring the use of technology, please contact us to make sure we have the resources you need. OBORO pays artist fees in accordance with standards set by representative organizations and bodies responsible for collecting royalties.

December 2006

Dec. 15 Call for Submissions: Creativity & Cognition Conference 2007 (CC2007)

This is the first call for the Creativity & Cognition Conference 2007 (CC2007), which will be held in Washington DC, June 13-15, 2007.

We believe that creativity is a fundamental topic to address the important challenges of knowledge-based societies of the future - and hopefully, CC2007 will make a major contribution in bringing researchers, practitioners, and educators together to advance an understanding of this conference topic, find common themes, and produce rigorous research at the convergence of technology, science, and arts.

The important dates are:

Submission Deadline: December 15, 2006

Author Notification: February 19, 2007

Final formatted papers due: March 19, 2007

A copy of the call for papers is attached to this message, and a conference website is available at:


Access to previous Creativity and Cognition Conference materials can be found at:


November 2006

November 1. CAFKA.07 Call for Proposals

Our physical connection to objects and spaces is essential to our being in the world: in the environments we inhabit, in the ways we relate to one another, and in the products we create. We ask artists to consider actual or metaphorical possibilities enabled by the haptic connection, whether achieved through exceptional handling of traditional materials or of new media. The exhibition will take place in and around Kitchener City hall for 11 days at the end of September, 2007.

For more information visit: http://www.contemporaryartforum.ca

November 3. Call for Works : Image Festival 2007

Film + Video early deadline

For more information visit : http://www.imagesfestival.com/index-iF.php

October 2006

Oct. 16. VIDA 9.0


VIDA 9.0 is the eighth edition of an international competition created to reward excellence in artistic creativity in the fields of Artificial Life and related disciplines.

In previous years prizes have been awarded to projects that included autonomous robots, avatars, recursive chaotic algorithms, knowbots, cellular automata, computer viruses, virtual ecologies that evolve with user participation, and works that highlight the social side of Artificial Life. Applicants should refer to awards previously granted at VIDA’s web page (http://www.telefonica.es/vida) to determine suitability of their project.

Some of the issues explored may include, but are not limited to:

- How autonomous agents shape and interpret our data-saturated environment. - How artifacts (robotics, artifitial intelligence, wetware, etc) challenge pre- - How empathy is created between artificial entities and ourselves. - The anthropomorphization of the datasphere and its inhabitants. - How interactive systems may be designed to spark interest in emerging phenomena involving Artificial Life.


Oct. 20. CFP, Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2007



held as the 14th Annual Mardi Gras Conference

15-17 February 2007, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Oct. 20 Japan Media Arts Festival

Japan Media Arts Festival is a festival of media arts where works of media arts created using new ways of presentation and distinguished artistic expressions are recognized and creative activities of leading-edge media arts are introduced to a wide audience. Now that a lot of international attention is given to Japanese media art works such as arts, mangas, animations and games, Japan Media Arts Festival, which attempts to establish a new axis of recognition without being constricted by a conventional framework, has received increased attention not only from Japan but also from overseas. The Festival will accept applications from every sphere and will not make distinctions between professional, amateur, independent productions, commercial productions, etc. Beyond the established conventional framework, how far can the potentialities of media arts expand? The Festival requires new creativeness and representational power.


Oct. 20 Call for Projects : STRP - Eindhoven, Netherlands

After a successful first edition, the STRP festival, which took place in Eindhoven, Netherlands at the end of March 2006, is launching a call for projects for its next edition, which will be taking in late April of 2007.

The focus of the festival is the common ground created at the intersection between art, popular culture and technology. The first edition which welcomed over 10 000 visitors, and received very positive attention from the press, made use of performances, installations, lectures, films, etcetera in order to convey this crossroads.

STRP takes place on Strijp-S, the 'holy' ground of the forbidden city of Philips, where in the 20th century numerous technological innovations were made which changed the world. A place where Einstein once worked, the first complete electronic music album was created and the collaboration between le Courboisier and Varese resulted in one of the most interesting amalgamations between art and technology, Le Poeme Electronique for the World Expo in Brussels (1958).


STRP is looking for projects, installations, or proposals that concern themselves with interactive art, robotics and/or Live Cinema (in the live cinema category we are looking for projects that rely on both performance and technology in order to become an audio-visual whole). All of the above in a context in which the artistic side is furthered by technology. This year we will also be paying special attention to projects, which involve light in their concept, composition, and/or execution.

The application forms are available in PDF format - http://downloads.strp.nl/strp-call06.pdf RTF format ? http://downloads.strp.nl/strp-call06.rtf

To find out more about the 2006 edition of the festival, including a full line-up, press-releases and photographs please take a look at: http://www.strp.nl

If you have further questions please contact us at info at strp.nl

September 2006

September 8. Transmediale 2007 Call for Competition, Festival, Club

transmediale.07: festival for art and digital culture berlin :: 31 January - 4 February 2007 :: club transmediale.07: international festival for electronic music and related visual arts :: 26 January - 3 February 2007. Call for Entries: :: Deadline: 8 September 2006 :: Award Ceremony: 3 February 2007.


September, 2006

August, 2006

July, 2006

June, 2006